UPSC - Recruitment Notification No - 19/2009 - 2009
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069
Recruitment Advertisement No. 19/2009
1 (Ref.No.F.1/193/2009-R-IV) One Assistant Registrar in Central Herd Registration Scheme, Ongole(Andhra Pradesh), a subordinate office under Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture. Qualifications : Essential : Educational : A. i) Degree in Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Dairying or Agriculture from a recognized University or equivalent. ii) Three years’ experience of cattle breeding preferably of Herd Registration Programme with important breeds of cattle. OR B. i) Indian Dairy Diploma. ii) Five years’ experience of cattle breeding, preferably of Herd Registration Programme with important breeds of cattle. Desirable : Post-Graduate training in cattle breeding. Duties : Overall Incharge of the Scheme, overall supervision of working field inspectors & milk recording centres, acting as D.D.O for Centre, day- to- day working of the establishment, to promote the interest of breeders through breeders association and act as its ex-officio secretary, to assist purchase parties from States in purchase of animals, to arrange for breeding of merit animals, to build up the superior germplase in the breeding tracts, to promote the marketing of registered animals, any other work assigned by the Department. HQ : Presently at Central Herd Registration Scheme, Ongole(A.P.) with liability to serve anywhere in India.

2.(Ref.No.F.1/117/2009-R-I) Seven Assistant Professors(Cardiology), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Central Health Service(Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre). Out of seven posts, two posts are reserved for SC, one post is reserved for ST & three posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : i) A recognized Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section 13 of the IMC Act, 1956. ii) Post-Graduate degree qualification in the concerned super-speciality i.e D.M. (Cardiology) or equivalent. B. Experience : Three years’ teaching experience as Tutor/Demonstrator/Registrar/Senior Resident in the concerned Super-Speciality in a recognized teaching Institution after the requisite Post-graduate degree qualification. NOTE : I: The Medical qualifications possessed by the candidates should have the recognition of the Medical Council of India. In case of medical posts other than Allopathic system of medicine, the qualifications should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached. NOTE :II: In so far as Post-Graduation Medical qualifications awarded by Indian Universities are concerned, they should also find a place in the Schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, as amended from time to time. In case of medical posts other than allopathic system of medicine, the qualifications should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached. NOTE : III : The experience gained should be recognized by the MCI or the statutory body concerned of the system of medicine as valid teaching experience for teaching posts and certificate therefor or any other valid proof in support thereof should be submitted. Teaching experience in any other post like the post of General Duty Medial Officer/Medical Officer shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to the teaching posts. NOTE-IV: In the case of qualification in Super-Specialities (M.Ch./D.M.) except in the case of holders of D.M./M.Ch. of five years duration, the holders should have obtained M.D.(General Medicine) or M.S.(General Surgery) or an equivalent qualification as prescribed by the said council in its recommendations on post graduate medical examination. NOTE-V: In the case of holder of D.M./M.Ch. qualification of five years duration, the period of Senior Post graduate residency rendered in the last part of the said D.M/M.Ch. shall be counted towards requirement of experience. NOTE : VI : Holders of speciality Board of USA qualifications should complete the entire requirements of the Board concerned. NOTE : VII : Completion of compulsory Rotating Internship Certificate, Registration Certificate, an official document showing name of College/Institution from where degree/diploma has been done and official document showing name of the University and College from where teaching experience has been gained to be furnished. Duties : To impart theoretical and practical instructions to Under-graduate/Post-graduate medical students. To conduct and guide research work in the speciality. To render patient care in the Speciality. Any other duties that may be assigned by the authorities from time to time. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS : The other conditions of service will be as laid down in the CHS Rules, 1996 and other rules in force from time to time in particular :- (A) Private practice of any kind whatsoever shall not be allowed including any consultation and laboratory practice. (B) The candidate selected will, if so required, be liable to serve in any Defence Service, or post connected with the Defence of India, for a period of not less than four years including the period spent in training, if any, provided that such officer: i) will not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of 10 years from the date of appointment or from the date of joining the service. ii) Will not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of 45 years.
3.(Ref.No.F.1/221/2009-R-II) One Superintending Mineral Economist (Intelligence) in Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : Master’s Degree in Applied Geology or Geology Economics or Degree in Mining Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Ten years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in the field of Mineral economics viz., conducting demand supply studies, Market Survey of minerals, mineral inventory, mineral legislation, preparation of commodity profiles, world mineral intelligence, investigation of economic aspect of mineral resources and production and utilization of minerals etc. Desirable : i) Knowledge of statistics relating to production, distribution, export, import etc. or minerals in India and of the varying trends in the international market. ii) Post-graduate Degree in Mining Engineering/Doctorate Degree in Applied Geology/Geology/Mineralogy/Economics preferably in Mineral Economics from a recognized University or equivalent. iii) Degree in Statistics. iv) Working knowledge of computers with special emphasis on commonly used software in office. Duties : To supervise the work of preparation and periodical updation of NMI. Conducting market survey studies on Minerals and Metals and Compilation of statistics related to non-ferrous metals. To supervise the activities related to publication of Indian Mineral year Book. To supervise the activities related to mineral information and advisory services which includes collection, compilation and dissemination of data pertaining to Mines, Minerals and Metals. To supervise the activities related to Mineral Legislation, Bulletin on Mineral Information, Mining Lease and World Mineral Intelligence.
4.(Ref.No.F.1/182/2009-R-IV) One Assistant Director, Grade-II(Non-Technical) in the Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai, Ministry of Textiles Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : Degree of a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : About three years’ experience in a responsible capacity of work connected with Handloom or Textile Industry or Commerce or Industry in general. Desirable : i) Knowledge and experience in the field of Commerce/Transport/Marketing of Textiles. ii) A degree in Law. Duties : To deal with matters of establishment, administration and trade. Implementation of regulatory/welfare schemes. Associate in organizing exhibition, conferences, buyer-seller meets. To facilitate textile industry and trade development and export. Matter relating to textile consumer interest. Deal with matters relating to closed mills workers rehabilitation. Associate/facilitate in industry need HRD programmes.
5.(Ref.No.F.1/183/2009-R-IV) One Senior Research Assistant (Economics)(now-re-designated as Economic Officer) in the Planning Commission. The post is exclusively reserved for Physically Handicapped[Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy(Both Legs Affected or One Leg Affected)] persons of any Community. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : Master’s degree in Economics of a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Two years’ research experience relating to ‘essential qualification’ i.e. Economics. Duties : Collection, compilation and analysis of data relating to various aspects of the working and management of public enterprises. Preparation of reports and drafts of important aspects of their working like Project Studies, Management Policies etc. HQ : New Delhi but liable to serve anywhere in India.
6.(Ref.No.F.1/186/2009-R-II) Eighteen Assistant Programmers in Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI). Out of the eighteen posts, two posts are reserved SC, one post is reserved for ST & four posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Of the eighteen posts, two posts are reserved for Physically Handicapped persons belonging to any community(Out of the two posts reserved for Physically Handicapped persons, one post is reserved for persons with disability of Partially Hearing impairment and one post is reserved for Orthopaedically Handicapped persons with disability in lower limb). The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons with above mentioned disabilities. Qualifications : Essential : Educational : A- Master’s Degree in Computer Application or Computer Science or Master of Technology(with specialization in Computer Application) or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Computer Technology of a recognized University or Institute or equivalent. OR B i) Degree in Computer Application or Computer Science or Degree in Electronics or Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent, and ii) Two years’ experience in electronic data processing work including experience of actual programming OR C-i) ‘A’ Level Diploma under Department of Electronic Accredited Computer Courses Programme or Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application offered under University Programme and ii) Three years’ experience of electronic data processing work including experience of actual programming. Desirable : Knowledge of programming in C, C++, OR visual C++ and in Oracle, Relational Data Base Management System to experience on RISC based Computer Systems under UNIX or UNIX-like Operating Systems/WINDOWS Networking or WINDOWS environment. Duties : The Assistant programmers, Central Bureau of Investigation will be responsible for :- Development and implementation of systems. Responsible for day-to-day operation of the computer set up at the Branches/Units. Refreshing/Replication of data from Branch to Regional Office Server. Database backup and restoration of CBI Projects. Local Area Network Management. Maintenance of Oracle Database Server. Liaison or coordination between Regional and Head Office Server. Security Administration of Systems and Network. Any other duty assigned by Regional DIG or any other Senior Officers. HQ : Liable to serve in any of the CBI Branches in India.
Last date is: 29/10/2009
Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only.
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