Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
M.G. Avenue, Durgapur- 713 209
(website : www.cmeri.res.in)
Advertisement No. 07/2009
[Walk-in-interview for Project Assistants/JRF (GATE)]
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, established in 1958, is the apex R&D institute for mechanical engineering and allied disciplines under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body under the Government of India. The Institute is also offering 2 years Post-Graduate degree in Mechatronics in collaboration with Bengal Engineering
and Science University, Sibpur and other CSIR Institutes.

The present priority areas of research of the institute are: Robotics and Mechatronics, Microsystem Technology, Rapid Prototyping and Modeling, Clean Energy, Farm Machineries, Residual Life Enhancement, and Advanced Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Simulation & Modeling.
A Walk-in-interview will be conducted in the Committee Room of CMERI, Durgapur at the above address during 28th - 30th October, 2009 to select candidates for engagement as ‘Project Assistant’ under various externally funded projects and JRF(GATE). The vacancy position may vary either way even across the disciplines and projects.
Job Details :
Project Assistant
Total : 16 Post
Total : 01 Post
The candidates who have already served in CMERI as a Trainee / Project Assistant / Project Fellow / JRF / SRF / Research Associate etc. for a period of 5 years or more are not eligible for the above engagements. The candidates who have served for a period less than 5 years, upon selection, their tenure will automatically end on completion of five years.
The date for determining the upper age limit, qualification and/or experience etc. will be the date of interview of the respective Post Code. Relaxation in age limit of the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and Women shall be provided as per the Government rules.
The interested candidates may appear before the Selection Committee with all their original certificates / mark sheets with an attested photo copy of each of it and a recent passport size photograph along with the filled-in application form available in the Institute website, as per the date and time given below. Eligible outstation candidates will be paid to and fro 2nd Class Rail / Bus fare for attending the interview as per rules.
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